FLC Research
The FLC group plays a leading role in defining the physics case and the running program for the ILC within the LCC Physics Working Group LCC webpage , the Joint Working Group on Beam Parameters for the ILC webpage and the International Large Detector Concept ILD webpage .
- most recent talk on this topic: J List LCWS'17
- most recent publication on this topic: arXiv:1710.07621, arXiv:1708.08912v3, arXiv:1702.05333 , arXiv:1607.04187, arXiv:1506.05992, arXiv:1506.07830
Physics at the ILC and its influence on detector design and detector optimization.
Physics at the ILC and its influence on detector design and detector optimization.
The group investigates several concepts of calorimetry at the ILC with a special focus on hadron calorimetry.
The group researches the effects and technical realization of polarization at the ILC
Development of analysis and reconstruction software for the ILC.
The group does research towards a time projection chamber (TPC), a gas based tracking detector at the ILC.
Global integration of the ILD detector and Machine-Detector Interface issues at the ILC.
The project called ENDOTOFPET did research towards a PET detector coupled with an endoscopic ultrasound probe.
Topics the group has formerly worked on.
Just a test page for layout studies.