Thesis Topics
contact: Ties Behnke (Group Leader)
Interested in the field of the ILC?
We are looking for students, who want to join our research and development for the International Linear Collider. Our group can offer a wide range of research topics for your Bachelor, Master or PhD thesis:
Detector Development: Work hands-on prototypes, testing and studying new concepts, hardware, structures or electronics and test beam analysis.
- TPC: The group does research towards a time projection chamber (TPC), a gas based tracking detector at the ILC.
- HCal: The group investigates several concepts of calorimetry at the ILC with a special focus on hadron calorimetry.
Software & Analysis: Design software for a better description of our virtual detector or do our own analysis within the ILC physics program.
- ILC Software: Development of analysis and reconstruction software for the ILC.
- ILC Physics: Physics at the ILC and its influence on detector design and detector optimization.
Machine-Detector Interface:
- FLC Polarimetry Group: The group researches the effects and technical realization of polarization at the ILC.
Hands-on Week
If you are interested in our field, but you want to get to know us and our work before you decide for a topic, you have the possibility to join us for a week or two. Just contact Ties Behnke for a chat about your visions. We are happy about everybody, who is interested.