Journal Publications
- M.Habermehl, M.Berggren and J.List: WIMP Dark Matter at the International Linear Collider, Phys. Rev. D101 (2020) no.7, arXiv:2001.03011 [hep-ex].
- H.Baer, M.Berggren, K.Fujii, J.List, S.L.Lehtinen, T.Tanabe and J.Yan: ILC as a natural SUSY discovery machine and precision microscope: From light Higgsinos to tests of unification, Phys. Rev. D101 (2020) no.9, 095026, arXiv:1912.06643 [hep-ex].
- T.Barklow, K.Fujii, S.Jung, R.Karl, J.List, T.Ogawa, M.E.Peskin and J.Tian: Improved Formalism for Precision Higgs Coupling Fits, Phys. Rev. D97 (2018) no.5, 053003, arXiv:1708.08912 [hep-ph].
- M. Berggren, A. Cakir, D. Krücker, J. List, I.A. Melzer-Pellmann, B. Safarzadeh Samani, C. Seitz, S. Wayand: Non-simplified SUSY: stau-coannihilation at LHC and ILC, Eur.Phys.J. C76 (2016) no.4, 183, arXiv:1508.04383 [hep-ph].
- J. List and B. Vormwald: Bilinear R parity violation at the ILC: neutrino physics at colliders, Eur.Phys.J. C74 (2014) 2720, arXiv:1307.4074 [hep-ex].
- M. Berggren, F. Brümmer, J. List, G. Moortgat-Pick, T. Robens, K. Rolbiecki, H. Sert: Tackling light higgsinos at the ILC, Eur.Phys.J. C73 (2013) no.12, 2660, arXiv:1307.3566 [hep-ph].
- H. Baer and J. List: Post LHC8 SUSY benchmark points for ILC physics, Phys.Rev. D88 (2013) 055004, arXiv:1307.0782 [hep-ph].
- C. Bartels, M. Berggren and J. List: Characterising WIMPs at a future e+e- Linear Collider, Eur.Phys.J. C72 (2012) 2213, arXiv:1206.6639 [hep-ex].
- O. Kittel, G. Moortgat-Pick, K. Rolbiecki, P. Schade, M. Terwort: Measurement of CP asymmetries in neutralino production at the ILC, Eur.Phys.J. C72 (2012) 1854, arXiv:1108.3220 [hep-ph].
- M. Beckmann, B. List, J.List: Treatment of Photon Radiation in Kinematic Fits at Future e+ e- Colliders,Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A624 (2010) 184-191, arXiv:1006.0436 [hep-ex].
- P. Bechtle, M. Berggren, J. List, P. Schade, O. Stempel: Prospects for the st udy of the stau-system in SPS1a' at the ILC, Phys.Rev. D82 (2010) 055016, arXiv:0908.0876 [hep-ex].
- P. Bechtle, K. Desch, M. Uhlenbrock, P. Wienemann: Constraining SUSY models with Fittino using measurements before, with and beyond the LHC, Eur.Phys.J. C66 (2010) 215-259, arXiv:0907.2589 [hep-ph].
Design Reports etc
- K.Fujii, C.Grojean, M.E.Peskin, T.Barklow, Y.Gao, S.Kanemura, J.List, M.Nojiri, M.~Perelstein et al.: ILC Study Questions for Snowmass 2021, arXiv:2007.03650 [hep-ph].
- H.Abramowicz et al. [ILD Concept Group]: International Large Detector: Interim Design Report, arXiv:2003.01116 [physics.ins-det].
- H. Abramowicz et al. [ILD Concept Group]: The ILD detector at the ILC, arXiv:1912.04601 [physics.ins-det].
- K.Fujii, C.Grojean, M.E.Peskin, T.Barklow, Y.Gao, S.Kanemura, H.Kim, J.List, MNojiri, M.Perelstein et al.: Tests of the Standard Model at the International Linear Collider, arXiv:1908.11299 [hep-ex].
- P.Bambade, T.Barklow, T.Behnke, M.Berggren, J.Brau, P.Burrows et al.: The International Linear Collider: A Global Project, arXiv:1903.01629 [hep-ex].
- P.Bambade, T.Behnke, M.Berggren, I.Bozovic-Jelisavcic, P.Burrows et al.: The International Linear Collider. A European Perspective, arXiv:1901.09825 [hep-ex].
- H.Aihara et al.: The International Linear Collider. A Global Project, arXiv:1901.09829 [hep-ex].
- K.Fujii, C.Grojean, M.E.Peskin, T.Barklow, Y.Gao, S.Kanemura, H.Kim, J.List, M.Nojiri, M.Perelstein et al.: The role of positron polarization for the inital 250 GeV stage of the International Linear Collider, arXiv:1801.02840 [hep-ph].
- K.Fujii, C.Grojean, M.E.Peskin, T.Barklow, Y.Gao, S.Kanemura, H.Kim, J.List, M.Nojiri, M.Perelstein et al.: Physics Case for the 250 GeV Stage of the International Linear Collider, arXiv:1710.07621 [hep-ex].
- K.Fujii, C.Grojean, M.E.Peskin, T.Barklow, Y.Gao, S.Kanemura, H.Kim, J.List, M.Nojiri, M.Perelstein et al.: The Potential of the ILC for Discovering New Particles, arXiv:1702.05333 [hep-ph].
- K.Fujii, C.Grojean, M.E.Peskin, T.Barklow, Y.Gao, S.Kanemura, H.Kim, J.List, M.Nojiri, M.Perelstein et al.: Implications of the 750 GeV gamma-gamma Resonance as a Case Study for the International Linear Collider, arXiv:1607.03829 [hep-ph].
- T.Barklow, J.Brau, K.Fujii, J.Gao, J.List, N.Walker and K.Yokoya: ILC Operating Scenarios, arXiv:1506.07830 [hep-ex].
- K.Fujii, C.Grojean, M.E.Peskin, T.Barklow, Y.Gao, S.Kanemura, H.D.Kim, J.List, M.Nojiri, M.Perelstein et al: Physics Case for the International Linear Collider, arXiv:1506.05992 [hep-ex].
- H. Baer, M. Berggren, J. List, M. M. Nojiri, M. Perelstein, A. Pierce, W. Porod, T. Tanabe: Physics Case for the ILC Project: Perspective from Beyond the Standard Model, arXiv:1307.5248 [hep-ph].
- H. Baer et al.: The International Linear Collider Technical Design Report - Volume 2: Physics, arXiv:1306.6352 [hep-ph].
- T. Behnke at al.: The International Linear Collider Technical Design Report - Volume 4: Detectors, arXiv:1306.6329 [physics.ins-det].
- ILC Concept Group: The International Large Detector: Letter of Intent, arXiv:1006.3396 [hep-ex].
- ILC Collaboration: ILC Reference Design Report Volume 4 - Detectors, arXiv:0712.2356 [physics.ins-det].
- ILC Collaboration: ILC Reference Design Report Volume 2 - Physics at the ILC, arXiv:0709.1893 [hep-ph].
- ECFA/DESY LC Physics Working Group: TESLA: The Superconducting electron positron linear collider with an integrated x-ray laser laboratory. Technical design report. Part 3. Physics at an e+ e- linear collider, hep-ph/0106315.
Conference Proceedings
- LCWS 2019, Sendai
- M.T.N.Pardo de Vera, M.Berggren and J.List: Chargino production at the ILC, arXiv:2002.01239 [hep-ph].
- J.Beyer, R.Karl and J.List: Precision measurements of Triple Gauge Couplings at future electron-positron colliders, arXiv:2002.02777 [hep-ex].
- M.Berggren: What pp SUSY limits mean for future e+e- colliders, arXiv:2003.12391 [hep-ph].
- LeptonPhoton 2019
- LCWS 2018, Arlington
- ICHEP 2018
- LCWS 2017, Strasbourg
- EPS-HEP 2017
- J. List on behalf of the LCC Physics Working Group: The ILC Potential for Discovering New Particles, PoS 314, 307, arXiv:1711.02870 [hep-ph].
- S.L.Lehtinen on behalf of the ILD concept group: Naturalness and light Higgsinos: why ILC is the right machine for SUSY discovery, PoS 314, 306, arXiv:1710.02406 [hep-ph].
- R.Karl on behalf of the LCC Physics Working Group: Prospects for Electroweak Precision Measurements and Triple Gauge Couplings at a Staged ILC, PoS 314, 763.
- ICHEP 2016
- M. Habermehl, K.Fujii, J.List, S.Matsumoto and T.Tanabe: WIMP Searches at the International Linear Collider, PoS 282, 155, arXiv:1702.05377 [hep-ex].
- H.Baer, M.Berggren, K.Fujii, S.L.Lehtinen, J.List, T.Tanabe and J.Yan: Naturalness and light higgsinos: A powerful reason to build the ILC, PoS 282, 156, arXiv:1611.02846 [hep-ph].
- M.Berggren: SUSY model and dark matter determination in the compressed-spectrum region at the ILC, PoS 282, 154, arXiv:1611.04450 [hep-ph].
- ICHEP 2014
- J. List on behalf of the ILC Physics and Detector Study: Precision Measurements of Supersymmetry at the International Linear Collider, Nucl.Part.Phys.Proc. 273-275 2421-2423
- M.Berggren on behalf of the ILC Physics and Detector Study: Discovering Supersymmetry and Dark Matter at the International Linear Collider, Nucl. Part. Phys. Proc. 273-275, 577-583
- M. Berggren, S.-L. Lehtinen, J. List: Dark matter relic density from observations of supersymmetry at the ILC. LCWS15, Whistler. arXiv:1602.08439 [hep-ph]
- M.Berggren: SUSY precision spectroscopy and parameter determination at the ILC, PoS EPS-HEP2013, 033
- G. Moortgat-Pick et al: Helmholtz Aliance Linear Collider Forum: Proceedings of the Workshops Hamburg, Munich, Hamburg 2010-2012, Germany.
- LCWS 2011, Granada
- M. Berggren: SGV 3.0 - a fast detector simulation, arXiv:1203.0217 [physics.ins-det].
- C. Bartels, O. Kittel, U. Langenfeld, J. List: Model-independent WIMP Characterisation using ISR, arXiv:1202.6516 [hep-ex].
- C. Bartels, O. Kittel, U. Langenfeld, J. List: Measurement of Radiative Neutralino Production, arXiv:1202.6324 [hep-ph].
- O. Kittel, G. Moortgat-Pick, K. Rolbiecki, P. Schade, M. Terwort: Measurement of CP Violation in the MSSM Neutralino Sector with the ILD, arXiv:1201.5272 [hep-ph].
- LCWS 2010, Beijing
- M. Berggren: ILC Beam-Parameters and New Physics, arXiv:1007.3019 [hep-ex].
- C. Bartels, J. List: Model independent WIMP Searches in full Simulation of the ILD Detector, arXiv:1007.2748 [hep-ex].
- K. Wichmann: Influence of beam related background on ILD reconstruction, arXiv:1007.2440 [physics.ins-det].
- M. Beckmann, B. List, J. List: Consideration of Photon Radiation in Kinematic Fits for Future e+e- Colliders, arXiv:1007.0020 [hep-ex].
- K. Wichmann: Study of SUSY particles properties at the future International Linear Collider with the International Large Detector concept, PoS EPS-HEP2009 (2009) 227.
- LCWS 2008, Chicago
- M. Berggren, N. d'Ascenzo, P. Schade, O. Stempel: Summary of ILD performance at SPS1a', arXiv:0902.2434 [hep-ex].
- D. Käfer, J. List and T.Suehara: SUSY-P5: Chargino / Neutralino Analysis in the Fully Hadronic Final State, arXiv:0901.4958 [hep-ex].
- C. Bartels and J. List: WIMP Searches at the ILC using a model-independent Approach, arXiv:0901.4890 [hep-ex].
- M. Beckmann, B. List, J. List: Kinematic Fitting in the Presence of ISR at the ILC, arXiv:0901.4656 [hep-ex].
- LCWS 2007, Hamburg
- J. List: Physics at the International Linear Collider, hep-ex/0605087.
- S.i.Kawada, J.List and M.Berggren: Prospects of measuring the branching fraction of the Higgs boson decaying into muon pairs at the International Linear Collider, ILD-PHYS-2020-02, submitted to EPJC, arXiv:2009.04340 [hep-ex].
- Y.Wang, M.Berggren and J.List: ILD Benchmark: Search for Extra Scalars Produced in Association with a Z boson at \sqrt{s}=500 GeV, ILD-PHYS-PUB-2019-011, arXiv:2005.06265 [hep-ex].
- J.Beyer and J.List: ILD benchmark: Quartic Gauge Couplings, ILD-PHYS-PUB-2019-005, arXiv:2002.10830 [hep-ex].
- J.List, G.Moortgat-Pick and J.Reuter: Optimising the ILC Setup: Physics Programme, Running Scenarios and Design Choices, arXiv:1809.09504 [hep-ph].
- R.Karl and J.List: Impact of Beam-Gas Interactions of the IP region of ILD, ILD-TECH-PUB-2017-01.
- M. Berggren: Simplified SUSY at the ILC, arXiv:1308.1461 [hep-ph].
- M. Berggren, A. Cakir, D. Krücker, J. List, A. Lobanov, I.A. Melzer-Pellmann: Non-Simplified SUSY: stau-Coannihilation at LHC and ILC, arXiv:1307.8076 [hep-ph].
- H. Baer and J. List: Post LHC7 SUSY benchmark points for ILC physics, arXiv:1205.6929 [hep-ph].
- T. Suehara and J. List: Chargino and Neutralino Separation with the ILD Experiment, arXiv:0906.5508 [hep-ex].